Blackbox React npm

Design systems aim to streamline the design and development process by providing pre-built components and modules that are modular, reusable, consistent, customizable, and relevant.

Blackbox is Propelrr's single source of truth.

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import Accordion from 'blackbox-react/accordion'


Standard Use

Default State

Open the accordion by default

Answer here...


Set the active color of the accordion for the icon and borders


Set the font style for the title

Custom Icons

Set the open and close icon or text

Remove Border

Remove the border from the accordion

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Containing element
  • head
    • Header container
  • toggle
    • Header icon
  • title
    • Header title text
  • body
    • Content body

For example:

import Button from 'blackbox-react/button'



Specify the tag or component e.g. a, button, Link etc.

I'm an <a> tagI'm a <span>


Change the background color to one of the theme's colors

Change the foreground color to one of the theme's colors


Alter the font size, using a factor to be passed into the scale function


Change the padding of the button by passing in a spacing object or number


Set the border width (px) and/or color to one of the theme's colors


Border Radius


Specify a specific font treatment

Hover Effects

Set the hover effect of the button

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the button


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • button
import ButtonGroup from 'blackbox-react/button-group'


Standard Use


Adjust the spacing between buttons using a spacing object or a number

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the group

import ButtonShare from 'blackbox-react/button-share'

Uses the Button component to create a share button with an icon. Renamed from ButtonSocial in v2.1

Will accept any props that the Button accepts

import Carousel from 'blackbox-react/carousel'

Depends on react-slick. See README for full list of available options.


Standard Use


Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the carousel

import Flippy from 'blackbox-react/flippy'


Standard Use

Hover to see more...


Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Wrapper element
  • wrapper
    • Common styles shared by front and back
  • front
    • Content seen initially
  • back
    • Content seen on hover
This is the front...

And this is the back!

import Heading from 'blackbox-react/heading'


Standard Use

Provides a standard format for page/section headings

Heading 1


Heading 1

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the heading

Heading 1

import Icon from 'blackbox-react/icon'


Available Icons

Social / Providers




Custom Icon

Custom SVG viewbox size


Custom Styles

import Image from 'blackbox-react/image'


Standard Use

Example Image
import LazyImage from 'blackbox-react/lazy-image'

Render a colored square with a loading spinner in place of an image whilst it's being loaded.

Useful to prevent a layout from breaking, flickering or changing size during a page load.


Standard Use

Pass a url to an image

With a custom size and background color

With a custom loading spinner


With lazy loading and a callback

import Loading from 'blackbox-react/loading'


Standard Use

Custom parameters

import Meta from 'blackbox-react/meta'

Provides a consistent API wrapper around React Helmet for page meta

Standard Use

import { Meta } from "blackbox-react";

  title='Page title'
  description='Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit.'
import Modal from 'blackbox-react/modal'


Standard Use

Example of a component that opens a modal when a button is clicked

Example Using Toggle

Example using the withToggle higher order component

Custom Example

Contains some custom spacing, styles and close button

import NumberToWords from 'blackbox-react/number-to-words'

NumberToWords is a wrapper component around the numberToWords function

It converts a number between 0 and 1,000,000,000 to words and forwards the props to the wrapping element


one thousand three hundred and thirty-seven

four million and four

import ProgressBar from 'blackbox-react/progress-bar'


Standard Use

A half filled progress bar.

50% raised

Using traits

Uses custom colors and radiuses as specified by traits

50% raised

Custom styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Container
  • fill
    • Progress fill

For example, using a gradient for the progress fill:

50% raised
import RichText from 'blackbox-react/rich-text'


Standard Use

Provides a standard format for chunks of markup

Heading 1

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Heading 2

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Heading 3

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Duis mollis, est non commodo luctus, nisi erat porttitor ligula, eget lacinia odio sem nec elit.

Heading 4

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

  • Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
  • Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
  • Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod. Vestibulum id ligula porta felis euismod semper.
Heading 5

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

  1. List item 1
  2. List item 2
  3. List item 3
Heading 6

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Font Size

Heading 2

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Line Clamp

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

Custom Styles

You can pass through custom styles to be applied

Heading 1

Donec id elit non mi porta gravida at eget metus. Vivamus sagittis lacus vel augue laoreet rutrum faucibus dolor auctor. Maecenas sed diam eget risus varius blandit sit amet non magna. Etiam porta sem malesuada magna mollis euismod.

import Ticker from 'blackbox-react/ticker'


Standard Use

  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
Latest Donations

Custom speed / colours

  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
  • Person A: $50
  • Person B: $150
  • Person C: $10
import Tooltip from 'blackbox-react/tooltip'

The only prop, the child function, is called with three parameters

bindTarget - An object containing a ref assignment and event listeners for dectecting hover events. Spread this argument onto the node that you want to be the hover target

TooltipPortal - A component that renders its children in a portal when the target from the previous parameter is being hovered. To Make sure the tooltip stays open when hovering over the portal content, make sure it is rendered inside the target node

tooltipStyles - A style object containing the top and left value of the target node and some basic transforms, forward this to the root node of your TooltipPortal


Standard Use

Hover over me!
import Filter from 'blackbox-react/filter'


Standard Use

Pass an onChange callback to be notified of changes

Disable Debounce

We can turn the debouncing off if required


Update the background and foreground colors

This is useful for when the form is on a different color background already

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Form styles
  • icon
    • Search icon
  • input
    • The search field
import Form from 'blackbox-react/form'


Standard Use

Pass an onSubmit callback to be notified of changes

With additional form actions

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Form styles
  • fields
    • Form fields wrapper
  • error
    • Error message
  • action
    • Form actions group
  • action
    • Form action
  • submit
    • Submit button
  • icon
    • Submit button icon


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • form -> root
  • formError -> error
  • formAction -> action
  • formSubmit -> submit
import InputField from 'blackbox-react/input-field'


Standard Use

Pass an onChange callback to be notified of changes

Status indicator

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Containing element
  • field
    • Input element
  • label
    • Label element
  • required
    • Required label (if present)
  • errors
    • Error messages container
  • error
    • Error message styles
  • status
    • Status indicator styles

For example:


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • inputRoot -> root
  • input -> field
import InputSelect from 'blackbox-react/input-select'


Standard Use

Pass an onChange callback to be notified of changes

Grouped Options

Includes support for <optgroup>

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Containing element
  • wrapper
    • Wrapper around hidden select element and UI placeholder
  • input
    • Select field (UI hidden)
  • field
    • Field UI element (placeholder)
  • label
    • Label element
  • required
    • Required label (if present)
  • icon
    • dropdown icon
  • errors
    • Error messages container
  • error
    • Error message styles


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • inputRoot -> root
  • input -> field
import InputDate from 'blackbox-react/input-date'


Standard Use

Pass an onChange callback to be notified of changes

No date selected

Always show selects

No date selected

Predefined date

import InputSearch from 'blackbox-react/input-search'


Standard Use

You can use the InputSearch component to filter through a known data set

Asynchronous Data

You can also use it to perform API requests to fetch relevant results


Like other Constructicon input components, the InputSearch props are designed to play well with the withForm higher order component

Form Values: {"city":""}


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • inputRoot -> root
  • input -> field
import InputSearchResult from 'blackbox-react/input-search-result'


Handles common highlight of active and hovered search results

Standard Use

Search result name 1
Search result name 2
Search result name 3
import InputFile from 'blackbox-react/input-file'


Standard Use

Multiple files


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • inputRoot -> root
  • input -> field
import InputValidations from 'blackbox-react/input-validations'


Standard Use

Field is required

Custom styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Label element
  • error
    • Individual error strings
Field is required


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • inputValidations -> root
  • inputValidation -> error
import Label from 'blackbox-react/label'


Standard Use


Custom styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Label element
  • required
    • Required label (if present)


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • label -> root
import SearchForm from 'blackbox-react/search-form'


Standard Use


With Search Results

Custom styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
  • form
  • field
  • input
  • label
  • results
import Container from 'blackbox-react/container'


Standard Use

Used to contain site content within a centered and minimum width container



Alter the minimum width of the container



Apply one of the theme's shadows to the container


Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root: Root content element
  • outer: Wrapper element
import Grid from 'blackbox-react/grid'


See below in the GridColumn component

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the grid

import GridColumn from 'blackbox-react/grid-column'


Simple Responsive Grid

Simple main content and sidebar style grid that snaps into single column on smaller screens

Column 1
Column 2

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the grid column

import Section from 'blackbox-react/section'


Standard Use

Used to apply consistent padding to sections of content

Content here


Adjust the spacing by passing in a spacing object or a number

Content here


Set the background and/or foreground colors of the section to one of theme's colors

Content here


Set the border width, border color and/or border radius

Content here

Custom styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the section

Content here
import Pagination from 'blackbox-react/pagination'

Pagination is a component with a render-prop to control the pagination of an array

It splits the provided array (toPaginate) into chunks of max length and invokes the child render-prop with a set of pagination controls.


The child function supplied to Pagination, will receive one argument, an object with the following shape.

allPages - array - the entire chunked array of arrays

currentPage - array - the currently active 'page' array

numberOfPages - number - the length of the allPages array

pageIndex - number - index of currentPage in allPages (starting at 0)

pageNumber - number - human readable number of currentPage in allPages (starting at 1)

pageOf - string - human readable string of your current page "page 1 of 2"

isPaginated - boolean - true if allPages contains more than one item

canNext - boolean - true if you are not on the last page

canPrev - boolean - true if you are not on the first page

next - function - change currentPage to the next page in the list

prev - function - change currentPage to the previous page in the list


import Leaderboard from 'blackbox-react/leaderboard'


Standard Use


Set the background and foreground color of the leaderboard


Set the leaderboard to break into columns at certain breakpoints


Set the loading prop while your results are loading


Set the error prop if there was an error loading the leaders

There was an error loading the results


If the no leaderboard items are passed in, an empty message will be shown

No results found

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Containing element
  • leaders
    • Applied to the leaders listing


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • leaderboard -> root
  • leaderboardState -> state
  • leaderboardLeaders -> leaders
import LeaderboardItem from 'blackbox-react/leaderboard-item'


Standard Use

Custom Link Component

Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • the list item
  • link
    • the anchor tag
  • image
    • the avatar
  • info
    • the title and subtitle container
  • title
    • the main name or title
  • subtitle
    • the subtitle or charity
  • amount
    • the amount


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • leaderboardItem -> root
  • leaderboardItemImage -> image
  • leaderboardItemTitle -> title
  • leaderboardItemSubtitle -> subtitle
  • leaderboardItemAmount -> amount
import Metric from 'blackbox-react/metric'


Standard Use


Custom Styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
    • Container element
  • icon
    • Icon
  • label
    • Label / Heading
  • amount
    • Metric value


The following treatments in your project's traits will be applied:

  • metric -> root
  • metricLabel -> image
  • metricAmount -> amount
  • metricIcon -> icon
import MetricGroup from 'blackbox-react/metric-group'

Example Use

Standard Use

Funds Raised


Set the background and/or foreground colors

Funds Raised

Custom Styles

Pass in custom style rules to be applied to the group

import SearchResults from 'blackbox-react/search-results'



Set the loading prop while your results are loading


Set the error prop if there was an error loading the leaders

There was an error loading the results


If the no leaderboard items are passed in, an empty message will be shown

No results found


Filled with SearchResults

  • Support Name

    Support Name

    Supporter Charity
  • Support Name

    Support Name

    Supporter Charity

Custom styles

Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

  • root
  • state
  • loading
import SearchResult from 'blackbox-react/search-result'


Standard Use

Provides a list item suited for a search results listing.

  • Support Name

    Support Name

    Supporter Charity
  • Custom styles

    Apply a custom styles object to alter the look. Available elements are:

    • root
    • avatar
    • titles
    • title
    • subtitle
    import Typekit from 'blackbox-react/typekit'


    Standard Use

    import TraitsProvider from 'blackbox-react/traits-provider'


    Standard Use

    Pass in a traits object to set the various available traits, including:


    primary, secondary, tertiary, dark, light, shade, tint


    head, body


    head, body, button


    small, medium, large




    shade, tint, grow, shrink

    import { TraitsProvider, ButtonGroup, Button } from "blackbox-react";
    const fonts = {
      head: 'Roboto',
      body: 'Roboto'
    const traits = {
      colors: {
        primary: '#42AA4C',
        secondary: '#096010',
        tertiary: '#585858'
      treatments: {
        head: {
          fontFamily: fonts.head,
          fontWeight: 700
        body: {
          fontFamily: fonts.body
        button: {
          fontFamily: fonts.head,
          fontWeight: 700,
          textTransform: 'uppercase'
    <TraitsProvider traits={traits}>
        <Button>Click Me</Button>
        <Button background='secondary'>Click Me</Button>

    Example components can be found in source/components/with-form/examples

    withForm is a higher order component (HOC) that allows you to pass in your form configuration, and it will then inject a form prop into your component.

    You can then use this form prop, and spread them across InputField or other form fields, and it will handle all the updating and validating of your form.

    You can then call form.submit() when you want to submit your form.

    Form Configuration

    You pass in your form configuration as an object to withForm, with all your fields passed in under the fields key.

    Each field can be passed in a number of properties:

    label - the label for the field

    initial - the initial value of the field (empty if not applicable)

    validators - a function, or array of functions that will validate the field

    type, placeholder - or any other attribute that you want spread onto the dom element


    The validators you pass in are functions that take 2 args:

    value - the current value of the field

    values - the current values of all fields, useful if your validation is conditional

    These functions should return a falsy value if valid, and an error message if invalid.

    There are some predefined validators you can use in constructicon/lib/validators

    Example Configuration

      fields: {
        email: {
          label: 'Email',
          validators: [
            validators.required('Email is a required field'),
  'Should be a valid email')
        password: {
          label: 'Password',
          type: 'password',
          validators: validators.required('Password is a required field')

    You can also specify an onFormChange listener in the configuration, which takes the form object as an argument

    For example:

      onFormChange: (form) => console.log(form.values, form.invalid, ...),
      fields: {
        // ...

    If you wish to pass this in as a prop to your wrapped component, you can supply a function to the withForm HOC, which takes a props argument:

    withForm((props) => ({
      onFormChange: props.onChange,
      fields: {
        // ...

    Form Props

    withForm will pass a form prop into your component.


    You can spread the individual fields across form components. This will pass through all the needed props to that form component, such as onChange handlers.

    <InputField {...form.fields.username} />


    You can call form.updateValues() which can update the values of fields from outside user interaction.

    Values can be updated in the format below:

    componentDidUpdate (nextProps) {
      const { testValue } = nextProps
      if (testValue !=== this.props.testValue)
          testValue: testValue


    You can call form.resetForm() which will reset all of the form values and validations to their initial state.

    handleCancel () {


    You can call form.submit() which will return a promise that will either:

    Resolve to the field values if valid, or...

    Reject with the invalid fields and there error messages.

    handleSubmit (e) {
        .then((values) => doSomethingGoodWithValues(values))
        .catch((errors) => doSomethingGoodWithErrors(errors))

    A very simple higher order component that handles basic toggle functionality.

    withToggle will inject a few useful props into your component:

    toggled the current state of the toggle

    onToggleOn turn the toggle on

    onToggleOff turn the toggle off

    onToggle toggle the value to on/off


    const MyComponent = ({
    }) => (
        <Button onClick={onToggleOn}>Open</Button>
        <Modal onRequestClose={onToggleOff} isOpen={toggled}>
          I will be shown when the button is clicked
    export default withToggle(MyComponent)